Secret Invasion Spoilers: Looks Like Skrulls & Rumors Ahoy for Marvel Comics

Who really knows if Marvel_B0y and his blog are real? "Who cares?" is more like it! The whole damn thing is too much fun. I don't care if these spoilers are real or not. I just love how there's a big question mark hanging around the whole thing as we build up to Secret Invasion next week.

Then again, Schwapp seems to have the real spoilers. Or does he? Hell, I don't care if these are real either. It's all part of the fun to me. Let the Skrully speculation begin!

On a more personal spoiler front, I have been privy to peaks at Ms Marvel #25 and New Avengers #39. Both of these comics are extremely important for those looking to follow Secret Invasion. Plus they're both great stories with terrific art. Kudos to Bendis, Mack, Reed, Melo, and Benes.

P.S. Any and all of these links could go dead at any moment, so enjoy them while they last. I am not responsible for Marvel_B0y or Schwapp getting their content taken down (I have, however, taken the precaution that this stuff could go belly up and saved it as a text file just in case... may I suggest you do the same).

P.S.S. Speaking of stuff getting taken down, I posted a thread over on Talk@ on a week ago to this day. The post was a link to my AudioShocker podcast interview with Gotham Chopra, Editor-in-Chief of Virgin Comics. In the podcast, Gotham let slip some exclusive news - Hugh Jackman is the latest creator to sign with Virgin to produce an original comic. My thread on Talk@ was deleted shortly after I posted it and I wanted to know why. I messaged (more than once!) the administrator over at Newsarama to no avail. Then today - voila! - both Variety and Newsarama announce the Jackman deal with Virgin Comics. Still no message from the 'Rama admin. Just remember, people - the AudioShocker broke the news first!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick,
(spoiler theory below)
Well I haven't been over to the spoiler guy's site yet, but I will tell you from looking at the promo art in Iron Man last night for Invasion, it looks like they're going to bring Cap back and say it was a Skrull.

Yeah Newsarama can be weird, I've had no luck getting them to hook me up with a link so far, but my Steve-O should play Deadpool piece had a little traction.

And as for Virgin. I've got mixed feelings, I like the John Woo 1st series and I haven't started reading the new one yet (blog busy). And I like the idea of giving that part of the world a voice in comics. But I'm a little weirded by Deepok buying his kid a company though. I mean in the 90's Gotham and I were at the same University with Cosby's kid (before he got killed), and John Lennon's kid-so clearly these guys don't have to lift a finger in life-but a whole company? Jeez